The top solution for weight loss
The top solution for weight loss:
"Does not demand long hours of exercise".
Written by: Oluseyi Sogaolu
Are you one of those who eat tasty food and pray not to gain weight? Do you feel worn out about your normal workout regimen? Do you feel your heart beating dreadfully when you complete your gym session?
Are you one of those who eat tasty food and pray not to gain weight? Do you feel worn out about your normal workout regimen? Do you feel your heart beating dreadfully when you complete your gym session?
Then you must be desperately looking for a weight loss solution that will keep your body fit without having to spend long hours performing exercises in the gym.
High cholesterol levels and obesity in your body can cause conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, and even a heart attack. Therefore, healthy living is the best way to keep your body fit. Moreover, you will experience shortness of breath and unable to enjoy exciting moments of your life, when you are obese or overweight.
High cholesterol levels and obesity in your body can cause conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, and even a heart attack. Therefore, healthy living is the best way to keep your body fit. Moreover, you will experience shortness of breath and unable to enjoy exciting moments of your life, when you are obese or overweight.

Losing weight does not have to be complicated or stressful. However, it is necessary for you to explore a number of resources, if you are determined to lose weight. With so many products on the market, choosing this method for weight loss can be very difficult.
Once you identify one, it will make you avoid heavy and rigorous workout you may be subjected to by
Once you identify one, it will make you avoid heavy and rigorous workout you may be subjected to by
your trainer in order to make sure you get in shape.

It's a common false impression that losing weight is not an easy task just for the fact that people have all been tricked into believing that you have to work out for many hours every week in the gym, purchase a costly gym membership, and eat a super preventive diet.
This way to lose weight will make you achieve the utmost results of your campaign spending little time exercising. It will show you easy tips and tricks of burning fat without working out for hours. Apart from the fat-burning advantages of the program, this program will also provide you with general well-being and positive response.
All you need to do is to perform the right movements that will boost the fat-burning capabilities of your body. It must be 100% safe and natural and needs nothing more than a few minutes of exercise every day.
With the best solution for weight loss, there is no need of buying expensive gym equipment and you can exercise at the convenience of your home and see the results you want.
All you need to do is to perform the right movements that will boost the fat-burning capabilities of your body. It must be 100% safe and natural and needs nothing more than a few minutes of exercise every day.
With the best solution for weight loss, there is no need of buying expensive gym equipment and you can exercise at the convenience of your home and see the results you want.
How Does Best Weight Loss Solution Work?
If you spend some time each day doing regular workouts for months and fail to accomplish your goal, you will feel disappointed. This alone will make you lose your hope and self-confidence.

But there is nothing like that with this method. In fact, it is all about learning scientifically proven stylish workouts. It works by targeting your belly fats and getting rid of them from your body.
This solution must deal with the fat and drive it out of your body completely. You will experience a significant improvement in your physical health. Moreover, it is capable of reducing your body fat, keeps your blood pressure at the lowest levels, and reduces your cholesterol level.
This solution must deal with the fat and drive it out of your body completely. You will experience a significant improvement in your physical health. Moreover, it is capable of reducing your body fat, keeps your blood pressure at the lowest levels, and reduces your cholesterol level.
Irrespective of the weight and size, everybody is striking in their own way. The cholesterol accumulating in your body is what is not attractive. When you fail to keep track of the cholesterol level of your body, then your life is in danger. With this method, you just have to spend a mere 60 seconds each day. You will feel a fantastic and drastic change in your body.
Have you been trying to lose weight through one program or another? Have you been wondering about how to weight loss without exercise? The Solution is the answer.
The weight loss solution will make you lose weight with just three to five minutes of presentation. This solution is true because there's enough scientific evidence to back it up.
It doesn't matter how many times you have tried and failed to lose weight and get fit, your age, and whether you are a man or woman, this solution is for everybody. This solution is 100% guaranteed!
#1 Waking
How to lose weight only by walking
By: Bob Tom

Who said you can't lose weight by walking alone and without going to the gym? Don't listen to them! You can become 20 lbs lighter in the next few months without lifting weight or hunger strike. Walking is a form of exercise that is easy for everyone to perform, and you can use it to achieve your weight loss goals. This article explains how you can use walking to lose weight and maintain it without going to the gym or following a dangerous diet.
Why should you walk?
Walking is a simple form of exercise that is often underestimated in terms of health benefits, although it has many health benefits. Walking gives you stronger bones and a heart. The good thing about walking is that you can do it anywhere, without much effort, and does not require any equipment at all.
What we mean here is the simple form of walking, not running, you can first do two minutes walk even inside your home, and then increase it to 10 or 15 minutes depending on your ability ... You can set the stopwatch, never hard on yourself, sports must be fun and not Cause of hardship and fatigue.
#2 Superman Exercise

#2 Superman Exercise
Back Strengthening Exercises
By Derick Ng

The superman practice as its name hint is done lying on your chest in a superman position. It will strengthen the back muscles and increase the flexibleness of the back. It will help to strengthen the glute muscles as well as the erector spine muscles.
How it's done: Begin off the exercise by lying face down on a yoga mat and stretch each of your hands forward. Slowly raise your torso, arms, and legs purely with the strength of your abs in a "flying" position. Hold this position for ten seconds and slowly return back to the starting position. Repeat that ten times.
By Christopher Gaddour

This exercise reminds me of the jumping rope exercises...
So you can use the rope, that will be more fun.
The ground zero jump strengthens your hips and core more than traditional cardio and crushes calories as few moves can. It also targets fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have the biggest impact on your metabolism, athleticism and heart rate.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, knees slightly bent. Hinge back at your hips with a flat back and connect your arms behind you. Explosively push your hips forward and jump up just a little (this isn't a full squat jump). Land with knees slightly bent, and repeat.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, knees slightly bent. Hinge back at your hips with a flat back and connect your arms behind you. Explosively push your hips forward and jump up just a little (this isn't a full squat jump). Land with knees slightly bent, and repeat.
By Rob J Connor
7 Top Tips for Safe and Effective Squatting
The Squat has deserved the title, 'King of Exercises' and rightly so. No other exercise the muscle as hard as a good solid set of squats, can get the lungs and heart racing like the squat or can stimulate growth like the squat.

If you are not squatting then it's time you started.
The squat movement itself is pretty straightforward, frank and simple but can be implemented with several variations to produce slight differing results. These squat variations include, front squat, hack squats, dumbbell squats, sumo squats and box squats.
No matter which style you perform, stick with the tips below to ensure your squats are safe and effective.
Ensure sure your feet point either directly ahead of you or slightly outwards. Never point your feet inwards. An inward turn can place disproportional stress on your knees
Whatever foot angle you find most comfortable it's imperative that you maintain the same angle for both feet. Different angles can place uneven load on one knee - not good.
When lowering, your knees shouldn't extend ahead any further than the end of your toes. Over extending can cause extra stress on the knee joints.
Following on from point 3, ensure that your knees remain vertically in line with your feet, not jutting out to the left or right. Having your knees 'out of line' with your feet can again, can place extra stress on your knee joints.

Rather than trying to lift the bar, focus instead on pushing your legs down into the ground. You'll find this actually makes the lift 'seem' easier. Plus, this approach also helps you maintain proper form with a straight back by thinking about your legs pushing rather than your body lifting.
Ensure your back remains at a constant angle to your body during the squat. You want the power to come from your quads (and hip flexors) not your back. Plus altering the angle places extra load on the lower back.
Squat depth - there's been endless discussions on just how deep you should squat with no common agreement ad probably never will be. My advice?, don't stick to just one depth, vary the depth of your squats regularly.
The squat is the #1 exercise not just for legs but for complete body conditioning. I highly recommend you include squats in your routine, once per week is optimal.
I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at the progress you make not just with your legs but with all aspects of your training.
Keto Diet
By Mathenge Kabui
The Keto Diet and Weight Loss
If you have had a desire to shed some extra pounds, then perhaps you could have come across ketogenic diet, which is popularly known as Keto diet. It is a popular weight loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time.
But far from what most people believe it to be, the diet is not a magical tool for weight loss. Just like any other diet, it takes time, requires a lot of adjustment and tracking to see results.
What is the Keto diet?
The keto diet is aimed at putting your body in Ketosis. This diet plan is usually low carb with high intake of healthy fats, vegetables and sufficient proteins. In the this diet, there is also an emphasis on avoiding highly processed foods and sugars.
There are several types of Keto diets: standard ketogenic, cyclical, targeted and the high-protein diets. The difference in them depends on the carb intake. The standard ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat and adequate protein is the most recommended.
Is the Keto Diet Safe?
Most critics of the Keto diet say that it is not safe because of the emphasis on consuming high fat content. This is guided by the misconception that fats are bad for you. On the contrary, healthy fats are actually very good for you.
With this diet, you get lots of fats from healthy sources like avocado, nuts, fish, butter, eggs, coconut oil, palm oil, seeds like chia and red meat.
How Does the Keto Diet Aid in Weight Loss?
So how does the keto diet really work and help your body lose excess pounds? When on a high carb diet, your body uses glucose from carbohydrates and sugars to fuel body activities. When on a ketogenic diet, you supply the body with minimal amounts of carbs and sugars.
With reduced sugar and carbs supply, the glucose levels in the body are depleted causing the body to look for alternative energy sources. The body therefore turns to stored fats for energy which is why the Keto diet leads to weight loss.
This condition where your body burns fats for energy other than carbs is called ketosis. When your body goes into ketosis, it produced ketones as the fuel source rather than depending on glucose. Ketones and glucose are the only two power sources that fuel the brain.
Benefits of Ketosis and the Keto diet
Besides just aiding in weight loss, putting the body in ketosis comes with other health benefits too. Here are some of them:
Enhanced mental clarity
Improved physical energy
Steady blood sugar levels which makes it a good remedy for epilepsy and diabetes
Improved and enhanced skin tones
Lower cholesterol levels
Hormone regulation especially in women
The Ketogenic diet is one of the best diets you can follow for weight loss and to enhance your overall health. The diet can also be used for children who are overweight. There are numerous studies that support the diet showing significant results especially when coupled with exe
Medicines that lose weight or
Weight loss drugs
There are plenty different solutions for weight loss.
This includes all sorts of pills, medicines and natural supplements.
These things are claimed to assist you lose weight, or at least make it effortless to lose weight in other ways.
They tend to work during one or more of these mechanisms:
Decrease appetite, making you feel full so you eat fewer calories
Reduce the absorption of nutrients such as fat, that makes you eat fewer calories
Increased fat burning, making you burn much more calories
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