Weight loss with water

Weight loss with water

Food diets

 A healthy and natural weight loss needs to adhere to a healthy diet designed according to the individual needs of the individual so that the weight loss occurs when the calories consumed are less than the calories that the body burns and the minimum calories that must be obtained daily, known as the rate of Essential metabolism, as eating a low-calorie diet program does not actually benefit the body during its weight loss journey.

Successful weight loss strategies are characterized by adopting small changes, medium weight loss, and realistic and logical goals. A person who loses little weight by choosing healthy foods high in their nutrient content while exercising is more susceptible to keeping the weight he loses and more opportunity to obtain health benefits from A person who loses a lot of weight by following an innovative diet that is not based on sound foundations.

As for what is repeated to us from the established fever diets, it is often a way to lure people in need of losing weight either to buy certain products or at the present time to bring visitors to the pages of websites and other commercial goals.

The diet is considered one of these epilepsies, which is well known and far from health, this is despite the multiple benefits of water for health in general and for weight loss in particular. In this article, an explanation of the multiple benefits of water in weight loss and its realistic role in it.

The benefits of water in losing weight

Drinking sufficient quantities of water helps to feel full, and reduces the amount of food eaten, and it also prevents eating food that sometimes occurs due to feeling thirsty instead of hunger, such as the person eating some foods that contain water to make up for his feeling of thirst instead of eating water directly, as well as, It can confuse a person with hunger and thirst so that he does not recognize that he only needs to drink water and not eat food. 

It was found that drinking water before meals helps to feel full and reduces the amount of food eaten during the meal, where a study found that drinking water before meals reduces the number of calories consumed by 75 calories, and this amount is considered effective even if it does not seem large, but the frequency Reducing this amount (75 calories in one meal per day) throughout the year, for example, produces a decrease equivalent to 27,000 calories per year, equivalent to 3.5 kilograms per year. This can be caused by consuming water before one meal per day, and of course, it is possible to obtain Greater differences if drinking water is approved before my collection With meals eaten daily. 

Water can play an important and clear role in losing weight if it is consumed instead of high-calorie drinks, such as if a person is used to drinking soft drinks or drinks containing cream and sugar and then replaces them with drinking water, which may reduce a lot of the number of calories The caloric intake daily, and contributes to weight loss, and the person’s choice of foods with a high content of water, such as vegetables, fruits, and soups, contributes to making the nutritional choices more satisfactory and makes the diet more contain dietary fibers that require more time to chew It addressed, which also contributes to reducing the amount of food and calorie intake. 

Some preliminary studies found that consuming water increases the rate of calories burned, and in a study conducted on 7 men and 7 healthy women without weight gain, it was found that consuming about 500 milliliters of water raised the metabolic rate by 30%, as this rise began within 10 Minutes after consuming water and reached its maximum within 30-40 minutes. The reason for the increased metabolism varied in both men and women, as burning fat was the reason for this rise in men, while it was caused in women to burn carbohydrates.

According to the results of this study, a person who increases his intake of water can raise his calorie burn and found that up to 40% of this slight increase in calories that the body burns can be explained by the body heating the intake water, but these simple effects need to burn calories Freedom to great scientific research to support and clarify it, and it is mentioned that even if these results are confirmed, they are considered simple and limited to several calories per day only, and it cannot be considered that the water burns fat as some claim.

The effects of water on helping to control the amount of food, calories consumed, and weight loss are more evident for people who did not drink enough water before starting a weight-loss diet; water is necessary for all metabolism processes that the body performs, and its lack causes a decrease in efficiency These operations.
Accordingly, water contributes to the process of losing weight without having magical effects burning fat as promoted by some in innovative diets.

Daily needs of water

 A person’s needs for water vary according to weight, place of living, and level of physical activity. Daily needs are obtained simply by listening to the body and drinking water when thirsty. It was found that consuming 2100 milliliters to 2800 milliliters of water per day is sufficient, as this amount included water It is also present as part of the food composition, while drinking water directly occupied the equivalent of 1200 to 1500 milliliters per day.
 You can rely on the properties of urine from color and smell to estimate the adequacy of the body from water or not; where its color is light, and it does not smell in the event that the amount of water ingested is sufficient, while the dark color and the appearance of a smell of urine indicates that the body does not obtain sufficient quantities of water.

Water Diet Disadvantage

Despite the many health benefits of water and the necessity of consuming it in sufficient quantities, caution must be taken for those who follow popular diets that depend on large quantities of water or what is called a diet or diet, which can take a different form from others each time according to its source, As some of these diets encourage drinking large quantities of water, which can cause water poisoning in certain cases, which occurs when eating large quantities of water during short periods of time, and these diets can also be advised to avoid eating completely or being satisfied Eating one type or one portion of a group One food, which is considered harmful to health, may cause fatigue and fatigue and can cause severe acute effects due to food deprivation.

Also, it is not healthy to drink water alone without obtaining the mineral salts necessary for the balance of body fluids and electrolytes. In general, it should not fall under the trap of these and other innovative diets, and the advice of dietitians should be obtained in order for the weight loss to be healthy and sound.


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