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5 Tips for Obese Any Age

 5 Tips For Obese Women Or Men to lose weight  in a month Most of our population is overweight, or least a little. To determine "how overweight" we usually use BMI or body mass index. Anyone with a BMI over 39% is considered morbidly or morbidly obese. Everyone knows that excess body fat can cause a myriad of health problems, and the heavier you are, the more severe and frequent the health problems. But don't give up, even extremely obese women can find the help they need to take control of their weight for good. One Simple Way To Maintain A Healthy Digestion! Before you decide what type of weight loss plan is best for you, don't lose sight of your feelings. Many people "emotionally eat," or eat when they're feeling upset or depressed. Recognizing your bad habits is the first step to changing them and adopting new, healthier ones. Here are some steps that can help you get back in shape: 1. The first step that anyone suffering from obesity needs to do is ...