
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2018

Are you "doing it" at work yet?

Are you “doing it” yet? Because you should be. I know you’ve been thinking about it. And I'm here to tell you. It's time. Time for you to start your very own weight loss competition. “Who in the world am I going to start a weight loss competition with?”  you're probably thinking now. Well, you’re in luck, my friend, because I’ve got an answer for that too. Your work buddies.  Yep. I said it, you are going to start a weight-loss wars competition with your coworkers. You might be a little bit confused.  Allow me to explain why the workplace is the perfect environment for a weightloss war competition. Reason #1:  You spend so much time with your co-workers!  Consider the amount of time you spend at work compared to the amount of time you spend with your spouse. It’s probably nauseating if you stop to think about it. Most of us are likely to know our coworkers better than we’d ever like to admit.  Who better t...