
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2020

Mindful Eating

Mindfuleating1 New Year, New You One of the top New Year’s Resolutions is to eat healthier and lose weight. This week starts a new year, a chance for a new beginning, a new you. It’s time to rewrite your script. How your life will look is up to you! For those looking to make a healthy lifestyle change, here’s your prescription for success. The first step to making permanent healthy lifestyle changes is mindfulness. You may ask, what is mindfulness? Plainly stated, mindfulness is awareness. More specifically, mindfulness is a mind-body approach to well-being that can help you change the way you think about experiences and reduce stress or anxiety. Do you rush around moving from one task to another? Are you mindful of your everyday tasks or do you often eat so fast that you hardly taste your food? Mindfulness allows you to find stillness in the middle of a frantic world. It allows for better focus and concentration on the task at hand. The concept of mindfulness is often...